
 1from .comment import Comment
 2from .element import Element
 3from .location import Location
 4from .meta import Meta
 7class CommentThread(Element):
 8    """
 9    A Milanote element that contains comments.
10    """
12    id: str
13    """ID of the element."""
14    element_type: str
15    """Type of the element."""
16    meta: Meta
17    """Metadata of the element."""
18    location: Location
19    """Location of the element."""
20    comments: list[Comment]
21    """List of comments in the thread."""
23    def __init__(self, data: dict, comments_data: list = None):
24        super().__init__(data)
25        if comments_data is not None:
26            self.comments = [Comment(comment) for comment in comments_data]
28    def __repr__(self):
29        return f"CommentThread(id='{}')"
class CommentThread(MilanoteUnofficialApi.elements.element.Element):
 8class CommentThread(Element):
 9    """
10    A Milanote element that contains comments.
11    """
13    id: str
14    """ID of the element."""
15    element_type: str
16    """Type of the element."""
17    meta: Meta
18    """Metadata of the element."""
19    location: Location
20    """Location of the element."""
21    comments: list[Comment]
22    """List of comments in the thread."""
24    def __init__(self, data: dict, comments_data: list = None):
25        super().__init__(data)
26        if comments_data is not None:
27            self.comments = [Comment(comment) for comment in comments_data]
29    def __repr__(self):
30        return f"CommentThread(id='{}')"

A Milanote element that contains comments.

CommentThread(data: dict, comments_data: list = None)
24    def __init__(self, data: dict, comments_data: list = None):
25        super().__init__(data)
26        if comments_data is not None:
27            self.comments = [Comment(comment) for comment in comments_data]
id: str

ID of the element.

element_type: str

Type of the element.

Metadata of the element.

Location of the element.

List of comments in the thread.